Both Ramana Mahashi and Charan Singh were revolutionary philosophers of their time whose profound intelligence has enriched the study of world religions. Through their life’s work and philosophy, we have a better understanding our own consciousness and why, we as humans are on an on goings piritual journey.Ramana Maharshi, who was first known as Venkataraman, was born on December1879 in Triuchuli, where he grew up just an average boy, then later studied atschool in Dindigul. Ramana Maharshi was extremely philosophical even at the young age of 17 with his continuous questioning of self-consciousness. As he repeatedly asked himself “Who am I?” he came to the realization that “I-ness” or questioning your own existence comes from self-awareness and consciousness. Ramana Maharshi philosophized how the source of what we know is the real world is merely “Pure Awareness.” He gave an answer as to why we ask ourselves these questions and enlightened the world with his discovery of how our brain and consciousness function.Similar to Ramana Maharshi, Charan Singh became very philosophical with his continuous questioning of “the nature of man's spiritual quest” and became highly religious even at a very young age. Charan Singth then met his spiritual guru named, Baba Jaimal Singh, and after 9 years, became a shabd yoga master with a large following. Charan Singh had even initiated more than 125,000people into his practice, just as Maharshi had wide spread support.Charan Singh concluded that to transcend this earth, we must let our physical bodies “die” and along with that, any pleasures and attractions. This death would allow us to find “utter peace radiant infinity.” Since Singth believes how “the human body is a cage” similar to that of a naive bird in lovewith its cage, he believes the human body is holding us back from something much greater. This correlates to Ramana Maharshi’s philosophy of how “the world is not material; it is an aspect of consciousness,” because they both agree that it is not our body and desires that should define us as human beings. Instead, it is something much more complex than pure material wants.Both Charan Singh and Ramana Maharshi are held in very high esteem for their contribution to religious studies. Charan Singth is revered for reaching the eternal Realm of Truth, or Sach Khand, with the help of his master, meditation and understanding of consciousness. His close relationship to his guru was essential to Charan Singh’s heightened spirituality. Ramana Maharshi also reached high levels of heightened spirituality. Aside from being one of the greatest Indian philosophers like Charan Singh, Ramana Maharshi also genuinely practiced ahisma (non-violence) with his compassion towards people, including criminals, as well as animals. When Ramana Maharshi was robbed in 1924, he hadevery opportunity to punish the thieves, but rather benevolently said “they havetheir dharma, we have ours. It is for us to bear and forbear. Let us not interfere with them." As one thief gave him a blow upon his left thigh, Ramanareplied, "If you are not satisfied you can strike the other leg also.” This situation embodies his calm, peaceful and wise disposition to life. Ramana Maharshi also wonderfully treated and respected all animals. The animals themselves trusted him, so much so that even potentially dangerous ones were known to surround him but cause no harm. Ramana Maharshi and Charan Singh’s teachings and principles have transcendedtheir lives, as they have both passed away at old ages. Their wisdom and exemplary dispositions will be a role model for all humans of any religious denomination.
You are describing "Sawan Singh," not Charan Singh. Charan was also a master and the grandson of Charan.