Both religions are Abrahamic and site Abraham as the founder and father of their respective religions. Using this as a starting point it is clear they are two parts of the same religion in some ways. Two branches from the same family tree of Abraham. Abraham is an old man when he appears in the bible. What I find interesting is how Abraham plays such a vital role in not only Judaism and Islam but Christianity as well. He enters the bible with not as much hoopla or celebration one would expect considering the importance he is to play in the development of 3 of the worlds largest religions.
There does not appear to be any dispute that Abraham makes one of the most important and influential pacts or covenants with God of any other persons in the bible. For it is as a result of this covenant that these 3 major religions evolve, not to mention the hundreds of sects or splinters of these same religions.
God asks Abraham to leave all he knows, basically with no directions or maps, and wander. In exchange for this blind faith and commitment, God promises Abraham he will make him a great nation and bless him and his family. A family was what Abraham wanted most, sons. Talk about a leap of faith.
It is believed that the Muslims are descendants of Abraham's first son Ismael, born of his wife's maid Hagar, who was banished to the desert at the request of his wife Sarah. God tells Abraham to do as Sarah asks even though he is very upset by the idea of banishing his first born. Ismael and his descendants are the Arabs and the founders of the Islamic faith.
In contrast Jews are the descendants of Isaac, Abraham's second son born of his wife Sarah. They are the Israelites.
Judaism and Islam are monotheistic and criticize Christianity's belief in the Trinity and the concept of Jesus as God as going against this concept. They believe in prophets and in fact many of the same prophets such as Adam, Moses and Noah. They however place varying levels of importance on "their" prophets. Jews with Moses and Islam with Mohammad.
Both Judaism which is the oldest monotheistic, Abrahamic religion and Islam which is the newest or youngest Abrahamic religion, have strong practices and belief in oral history and teachings. In fact many of the stories of the Torah/ Hebrew Bible and the Koran are still told and memorized at this time. Both also have of religious laws based on oral tradition and can override written law.
Both religions believe in One God and pray multiple times day, Jews at least twice and Muslims 5 times a day. Though they face their prayers towards different destinations. Jews to Jerusalem and Muslims to Mecca as directed by Mohammad.
They both follow strictly Kosher diet, and do not allow eating of pork.
They both believe in the same God and agree that Jesus was an important prophet but that he was not an embodiment of God. Muslims believe he was a predecessor to Mohammad as a prophet of great importance. They do not however believe he was crucified by the Jews, they believe God took him to Heaven alive. Muslims do however believe as Christians do that Jesus will return on judgment day and that it will follow with either Heaven or Hell immediately. Judaism does not acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, nor do they share the beliefs of Heaven and Hell. Both religions have rabbi's, who are the "teachers" of religion. They also both believe in angels and demons and practice circumcisions as a sign of dedication to their religion. Jews worship on Saturdays in Temple and Muslims on Friday in Mosque.
Based on my research I see many more similarities in Islam and Judaism than differences. The main difference I feel is their difference in opinion about Jesus as Messiah and his return for a Judgment days followed by Heaven or Hell. Again they are brothers of the same father, branches of the same tree s is Christianity and based on this common father in Abraham, it would be wonderful if a family reunion would be possible to reunite the religions in a common understanding and faith which in turn would bring us that much closer to a possible heaven on earth with Abraham's family living in peace. Let's try to make that our common ground, our common prayer, our common goal. Only then will the promise of Abraham's Great Nation come to fruition.
There does not appear to be any dispute that Abraham makes one of the most important and influential pacts or covenants with God of any other persons in the bible. For it is as a result of this covenant that these 3 major religions evolve, not to mention the hundreds of sects or splinters of these same religions.
God asks Abraham to leave all he knows, basically with no directions or maps, and wander. In exchange for this blind faith and commitment, God promises Abraham he will make him a great nation and bless him and his family. A family was what Abraham wanted most, sons. Talk about a leap of faith.
It is believed that the Muslims are descendants of Abraham's first son Ismael, born of his wife's maid Hagar, who was banished to the desert at the request of his wife Sarah. God tells Abraham to do as Sarah asks even though he is very upset by the idea of banishing his first born. Ismael and his descendants are the Arabs and the founders of the Islamic faith.
In contrast Jews are the descendants of Isaac, Abraham's second son born of his wife Sarah. They are the Israelites.
Judaism and Islam are monotheistic and criticize Christianity's belief in the Trinity and the concept of Jesus as God as going against this concept. They believe in prophets and in fact many of the same prophets such as Adam, Moses and Noah. They however place varying levels of importance on "their" prophets. Jews with Moses and Islam with Mohammad.
Both Judaism which is the oldest monotheistic, Abrahamic religion and Islam which is the newest or youngest Abrahamic religion, have strong practices and belief in oral history and teachings. In fact many of the stories of the Torah/ Hebrew Bible and the Koran are still told and memorized at this time. Both also have of religious laws based on oral tradition and can override written law.
Both religions believe in One God and pray multiple times day, Jews at least twice and Muslims 5 times a day. Though they face their prayers towards different destinations. Jews to Jerusalem and Muslims to Mecca as directed by Mohammad.
They both follow strictly Kosher diet, and do not allow eating of pork.
They both believe in the same God and agree that Jesus was an important prophet but that he was not an embodiment of God. Muslims believe he was a predecessor to Mohammad as a prophet of great importance. They do not however believe he was crucified by the Jews, they believe God took him to Heaven alive. Muslims do however believe as Christians do that Jesus will return on judgment day and that it will follow with either Heaven or Hell immediately. Judaism does not acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, nor do they share the beliefs of Heaven and Hell. Both religions have rabbi's, who are the "teachers" of religion. They also both believe in angels and demons and practice circumcisions as a sign of dedication to their religion. Jews worship on Saturdays in Temple and Muslims on Friday in Mosque.
Based on my research I see many more similarities in Islam and Judaism than differences. The main difference I feel is their difference in opinion about Jesus as Messiah and his return for a Judgment days followed by Heaven or Hell. Again they are brothers of the same father, branches of the same tree s is Christianity and based on this common father in Abraham, it would be wonderful if a family reunion would be possible to reunite the religions in a common understanding and faith which in turn would bring us that much closer to a possible heaven on earth with Abraham's family living in peace. Let's try to make that our common ground, our common prayer, our common goal. Only then will the promise of Abraham's Great Nation come to fruition.
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