Buddha and Buddhism:If Siddhartha Buddha were to see how Buddhism evolved from his original teachings, I think he would become rather disappointed with some aspects. I am sure he would not be too pleased about being portrayed as an overweight god because he was an avid faster and did not view himself as a deity. Also, Ithink Siddhartha would be highly disappointed with the material desires of several Buddhists, for Buddhism core teachings center around no attachment tothis world. However, several of his teachings still remain strong such as fundamental Buddhists strictly following the eightfold path and four noble truths. Traditional Buddhists are very disciplined and rigourously live bythese codes, which I think would please Buddha.
Mahavira and Jainism:If Mahavira were alive to see the state of Jainism in this day and age, I believe he would be pleased with his disciplined followers. Since Jainism is such a small religion in terms on numbers and not influence, those who follow the teachings have done so with full devotion. Also, since Jains do not feel the need to convert others to join their religion, those who are part of Jainism do so willingly and whole heartedly. Perhaps Mahavira would be disappointed withsome of his followers because although Jainism is a very small religion, it has grown sizeably since Mahavira passed on. It would be inevitable that some of Mahavira’s teachings would be lost throughout the course of time, and perhaps Mahavira’s strict guide lines on how to attain Moksha (salvation) were slightly altered.
Krishna and Hinduism:I believe Krishna would be very surprised at the wides pread influence and diversity that the belief of Hinduism has on this world. Being the world’sthird largest religion, Hinduism has a massive following with several sects influenced by their geological position as well as their cultural and social surroundings. For the most part, I believe Hinduism’s original teachings of finding your own path to divinity have with stood the test of time, with somes light alterations and variations. Therefore, I believe Krishna would be satisfied with the state of Hinduism in this modern day.
Guru Nanak and Sikhism:Since Sikhism was originally a peaceful religion which later evolved into amilitaristic one, I believe Guru Nanak would be saddened with the history and state of his religion. I can only imagine the heart break Guru Nanak would feel knowing that his followers felt the need to form an army and bear arms, and partake in a war all for the sake political and indepent gain. He would probably even be more disappointed knowing that his followers believed that these were the right and necessary actions to be taken, and that they were honoring their religion with their brutal actions.
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