Biologist Richard Dawkins contends that believing inGod is merely a delusion because there is no scientific fact that He is theactual creator and designer of the universe. Being an atheist himself, Dawkinsfocuses more on the scientific aspect of the creation of the world, andcompletely denies the possibility that there was divine intervention in theprocess. Dawkins’ offers a rather convincing counterargument to the origins oflife when he explains Darwinism, evolution and natural selection. Thus, hearuges that there may be no actual God or any deity for that matter, other thanin the minds of the believers. This mental delusion is the sole cause for whyreligion is so prevalent, and will continue to be in our culture forever.
THAT'S EASY FOR yoU TO SAY, but not so easy for ME to read, how about some spaces between words here and there?
ReplyDeleteYou make an argument at the end but don't back it up with any substance or fact? You merely say something like "Dawkin's views are a delusion". You don't say why?